The Successes and Challenges of Corequisite Design: Continued Learnings from Carnegie Math Pathways Network Implementers

The results from Carnegie’s corequisite courses show students earning college credit at triple the rate and half the time as with traditional remediation. Learn more about the innovative and effective Carnegie Math Pathways corequisite offerings that are saving students time and money.

With institutions across the country moving to corequisite remediation and an increasing demand for quality corequisite math courses, the Carnegie Math Pathways has partnered with math faculty from 10 institutions across the country to develop, test and improve new corequisite versions of Quantway and Statway. Join us for this webinar discussion with course designers and implementers to explore the results and challenges for the CMP corequisite courses and what we continue to learn about what works with corequisite course implementation.


Earle Crosswait, Academic Specialist – Mathematics, Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College
Kelly Kohlmetz, Math Literacy Pathway Coordinator and Senior Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Jennifer Morris, Dean of Retention and Adjunct Faculty, College of Menominee Nation
Ellen Mulqueeny, Modeling Algebra Coordinator and Assistant Professor, Kent State University
Scott Strother, Lead for Curriculum and Assessment, Carnegie Math Pathways
Mark Brodsky, Partnership Director, Carnegie Math Pathway