Attending the 44th Annual NOSS Conference? Join Pathways staff and educators for sessions on measuring equitable teaching practices and social-emotional supports.

Measuring Equitable Teaching Practices in the Classroom

Student participation in classroom discourse is a key indicator of an equitable classroom culture. This session will introduce a free online tool designed to provide quantitative and qualitative data to instructors on students’ participation in classroom discourse across demographics, and how these measures can guide instructional improvements.


Dan Ray, Lead for Faculty Development, Carnegie Math Pathways

A Collaborative Structure and Mindset Routines that Resonate in the Online Space

Students’ mindsets about their ability to learn and belong play a critical role in the motivation to use new learning strategies in any learning environment. Participants will consider the learning structures and key instructional strategies in an online mathematics course that promote student engagement and persistence.


Lewis Hosie, Instructional System Support Coordinator, Carnegie Math Pathways